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Please direct all order inquiries to our SalesTeam NUTIL - The Navan Utilities for IBM i and iSeriesEssential toolbox for iSeries or IBM i. Price per license £5000.00 LTF - iSeries and IBM i Language Translation FacilityTranslating your iSeries and IBM i applications to multiple end-user languages Price per license £5000.00
CDMaker - iSeries & IBM i CD-ROM Pre-mastering utilityDistribute your iSeries applications on iSeries & IBM i readable CD-ROM disks. Price per license £1500.00
Volume discounts are available on all Navan program products. Annual maintenance contracts are recommeneded for all Navan program products; pricing is based on 15% of product purchase price, per annum. (Note: availability of Annual Maintenance subject to eligibility) |